Neon & LED

Illuminate Your Brand’s Essence

In the vast realm of visual communication, nothing quite captures attention like the ethereal glow of Neon & LED. At Auckland Signs, we harness this allure, fusing traditional craftsmanship with modern technology to create signages that don’t just communicate but captivate.

Why Illuminate with Auckland Signs?

  • Versatility in Vision: Whether you’re seeking the vintage charm of neon or the crisp radiance of LEDs, we have the expertise to bring your vision to light.
  • Eco-friendly & Efficient: Our LED signs are not just luminous, they’re also energy-efficient, ensuring your brand shines bright without a hefty power bill.
  • Custom Craftsmanship: Every neon sign is a piece of art, handcrafted with precision, ensuring your brand’s uniqueness stands out in a crowd.
  • Durable & Dependable: Our signages are built to last, be it the shimmering allure of neon or the steadfast glow of LEDs.


Imagine your brand name aglow, casting its radiant presence across the street, beckoning visitors, and becoming a nocturnal landmark. Enhance your Building Signage with a neon flourish, or ensure your vehicles gleam in the night with our Vehicle Signage accentuated with LEDs.

And it’s not just about external displays. The interiors of your business could showcase our Graphic Display & Wallpaper designs, complemented by the soft illumination of LED accents. Or perhaps the pathway to your office could be marked with signs echoing the Apartment Buildings & Office Signage, but with the added allure of neon.

Moreover, integrate your Display Work in events or trade shows with neon and LED highlights, ensuring your booth or stall is the cynosure of all eyes. Pair it up with our exquisite Plinths at special presentations, ensuring your message isn’t just heard, but visibly resonates.

At Auckland Signs, we believe that while a strong message speaks, a brilliantly illuminated one enchants. With our Neon & LED signages, your brand won’t just be seen; it will be remembered, discussed, and admired.

Step into a world where your brand’s message shines brilliantly, day and night. With Auckland Signs’ Neon & LED solutions, light up not just your establishment but the imaginations and aspirations of your audience.

Contact Us

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13 Ride Way Albany,
Auckland, New Zealand

+64 9 414 2945
